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Recycling Factory Worker

Welcome to Plastipacifico

Innovative and Sustainable Plastic Solutions

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Our Mission

Leading the Way in Plastic Recycling

Our Services

At Plastipacifico, we are dedicated to providing innovative and sustainable plastic solutions with a focus on environmental responsibility. We offer a wide range of eco-friendly plastic products and services to meet various needs. Our services include processing plastic materials such as HDPE, LDPE, PP, and PET into productive flakes, strengthening recycling networks, establishing connections with local recycling networks, coordinating beach cleanup projects, and engaging in environmental education projects with schools. Our purpose revolves around social, environmental, educational, and national growth initiatives. We are committed to contributing to the country's development by creating new job opportunities and generating income through exports. Our strong mission and vision aim to lead waste management in the country, seeking local and international partnerships to offer and promote a competitive service, expanding into new markets, products, and services related to environmental management. The company aims to consolidate as a sustainable and profitable entity highly involved with the social fabric, contributing to development.

Blue Plastic Granules
Plastic Bottles

Plastic Recycling

At Plastipacifico, we are committed to plastic recycling and strengthening recycling networks. We process plastic materials such as HDPE, LDPE, PP, and PET into productive flakes to reduce plastic waste. Our mission is to lead waste management in the country, seeking local and international partnerships to offer and promote a competitive service, expanding into new markets, products, and services related to environmental management.

Beach Cleaning

Environmental Education

White Plastic Granules

We believe that environmental education is key to creating a sustainable future. That's why Plastipacifico engages in environmental education projects with schools to promote the importance of recycling and environmental responsibility.


Who We Are

About Plastipacifico

Plastipacifico is a business located in Ecuador dedicated to providing innovative and sustainable plastic solutions with a focus on environmental responsibility. Our purpose revolves around social, environmental, educational, and national growth initiatives, including establishing connections with local recycling networks, coordinating beach cleanup projects, engaging in environmental education projects with schools, and contributing to the country's development by creating new job opportunities and generating income through exports. Our strong mission and vision aim to lead waste management in the country, seeking local and international partnerships to offer and promote a competitive service, expanding into new markets, products, and services related to environmental management. The company aims to consolidate as a sustainable and profitable entity highly involved with the social fabric, contributing to development.

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Our History

Year of Establishment




Recycling Networks Connected

Professional Employees

Business Partnerships

Our Services

At Plastipacifico, we offer a range of services to meet your plastic recycling needs.

Our services include processing plastic materials such as HDPE, LDPE, PP, and PET into productive flakes, strengthening recycling networks, establishing connections with local recycling networks, coordinating beach cleanup projects, and engaging in environmental education projects with schools.

Plastic Recycling

Strengthening Recycling Networks

Beach Cleanup Projects

Environmental Education

Eco-Friendly Plastic Products

Plastic Flakes Production

Exporting Opportunities

Local and International Partnerships

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